Five Forces Template

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Five Forces Template
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De fem Kreftene

Hva er Porters fem Styrker av Konkurranse?

av Nathanael Okhuysen

Industriell organisasjon er et fagområde som undersøker forskjellene mellom den "perfekte" konkurransen blant selskaper som finnes i økonomibøker, og den "ufullkomne" konkurransen som finnes i den virkelige verden. Et verktøy utvunnet fra feltet er Michael Porters "five forces" -analyse, fra begynnelsen av sin seminal bok, Competitive Strategy. Porter utviklet analysen av fem krefter som en strengere variasjon av den brukte SWOT-analysen. Rammen fokuserer på nivået på konkurranse i en bransje for å evaluere selskapets strategiske posisjon. I motsetning til SWOT-analysen, undersøker de fem kreftene bedriftsmiljøet, i stedet for å undersøke et bestemt firma selv. Sammen med PEST-analysen graver den dypere inn i mulighetene og truslene til SWOT.

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Storyboard Beskrivelse

Five Forces Template - Porter's Five Forces framework.

Storyboard Tekst

  • New Entrants
  • [Illustrate factors that raise or lower barriers to entry into your industry. Alternately, depict a prospective entrant who is likely to enter the industry.]
  • Rivalry
  • [Depict the most important factor(s) impacting rivalry in your industry.]
  • Subsitution
  • [If you are concerned about a specific substitute, depict it here. Otherwise, illustrate or represent the most salient factor(s) listed below.]
  • • What factors make entry into your industry more or less likely? • List some here
  • • What factors promote or constrain rivalry in your industry? • List them here
  • • What product(s) could replace yours? • What factors make this more or less likely? • List some potential substitutes or the factors impacting a specific substitute
  • Buyers
  • [If a particular buyer (or small group of buyers) exert a lot of power in your industry, depict them here. Otherwise, illustrate or represent the most salient factor(s) listed below.]
  • Five Forces Analysis
  • Sellers
  • [If a particular seller (or small group of sellers) exert a lot of power in your industry, depict them here. Otherwise, illustrate or represent the most salient factor(s) listed below.]
  • • What factors increase or decrease the power of those who buy from your industry? • Is a particular buyer very powerful? • List some here
  • • What factors increase or decrease the power of those who sell to your industry? • Is a particular seller very powerful? • List some here
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