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Buddhism Eksempel på Ordforråd

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Buddhism Eksempel på Ordforråd
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Buddha sitter under et tre og mediterer. En due som holder en olivengren flyr mot ham.

Buddhisme: Opprinnelse og Historie

Av Liane Hicks

Buddhismen praktiseres av over 500 millioner mennesker over hele verden og er verdens fjerde største religion. Buddhismen er omtrent 2500 år gammel og begynte på 600-tallet basert på Buddhas lære. Det er en religion sentrert om fred og ro og viktigheten av å leve et moralsk og godt liv.


Storyboard Beskrivelse

La elevene lage et storyboard som definerer og illustrerer vokabular relatert til buddhisme.

Storyboard Tekst

  • "Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible."
  • (n.) a dome-shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine that is usually used to house sacred relics associated with the Buddha or other saintly persons
  • The Dalai Lama is the head monk or spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism and, until Tibet was taken over by China, the Dalai Lama was the ruler of Tibet. The name Dalai Lama means Ocean of Wisdom. The 14th and current Dalai Lama is Tenzin Gyatso, who lives in exile in India.
  • (n.) Dharma is a key concept with multiple meanings in Indian religions, such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. It means one's spiritual duties or "right way of living" and "path of rightness". It is symbolized by the "Dharma Wheel."
  • (n.) Buddhist prayer wheels are used to aid meditation, accumulate wisdom, good karma, and put bad karmas and negative energy aside. The hollow inner cylinder contains a tightly scrolled paper or other material full of printed or handwritten mantra or prayers. When the wheels are spun, the prayers sent out multiply.
  • MONK
  • (n.) focusing one's mind on spiritual ideas. Meditation is a practice where a person uses a technique – such as mindfulness or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state.
  • (n.) A Japamala or mala is a string of prayer beads commonly used in Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, and Buddhism. They are similar to other forms of prayer beads used in various world religions and sometimes referred to in English as a "rosary".
  • (n.) A man who is a member of a monastic order, for example, a Buddhist monk. Monks are members of a religious community who have taken vows of poverty and celibacy in order to dedicate themselves to a life of disciplined religious practice.
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