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Além dos Temas do Mar Brilhante

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Além dos Temas do Mar Brilhante
Storyboard That

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Beyond the Bright Sea por Lauren Wolk Activities

Além do Mar Brilhante de Lauren Wolk

Por Lauren Ayube

Quando Crow, de 12 anos, era apenas um bebê, ela foi colocada em um esquife e partiu para o oceano. Ela apareceu na costa de uma das pequenas Ilhas Elizabeth em Massachusetts. Acolhida por um homem solitário que ela chama de Osh, Crow se adapta à vida na ilha, mas sempre se pergunta sobre seu passado e sua família. Envolva os alunos com atividades pré-fabricadas do Storyboard That!

Além do Mar Brilhante

Storyboard Descrição

Peça aos alunos que identifiquem e ilustrem temas em Além do Mar Brilhante, de Lauren Wolk.

Texto do Storyboard

  • FEAR
  • Are people going to be afraid of me forever?
  • Not forever. But some people let fear set its hook in them, so it's hard to pull out.
  • That sailor looks an awful lot like me...
  • There are many examples of fear throughout the story. Because Crow is known to be from Penikese, which was once a home for lepers, people are afraid to be near her. One example is when she tried to go to the school house and the teacher would not let her stay.
  • The novel centers around Crow’s desire to find out about her past and who she really is. Not knowing about her family keeps Crow from really knowing herself. One example of Crow longing to know her identity is when she sees a schooner pass by and thinks a man on it could be her brother.
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