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Kresťanstvo: História a Tradície

Autor: Liane Hicks

Kresťanstvo vyznáva približne 2,4 miliardy ľudí na celom svete, čo z neho robí najväčšie náboženstvo na svete. Kresťania veria v život a učenie Ježiša Krista, ktorého považujú za Mesiáša alebo Spasiteľa pre celé ľudstvo. Ježišovo učenie sa zameriavalo na lásku, odpustenie, pokoj a nádej.


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Nechajte študentov ilustrovať rôzne sviatky kresťanstva a ich históriu a význam pre vieru.

Text z Príbehu

  • "For unto us a child is born" - Isaiah 9:6
  • Advent is the four weeks prior to Christmas. Advent means “coming” and it is a season of preparation for "the coming of the Lord". It begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas, and ends on Christmas Eve. The focus is anticipating of the celebration of the birth of Jesus and includes themes of the hope of eternal life and longing for peace and justice. An Advent wreath has four candles, one lit on each Sunday leading up to Christmas, which symbolize hope, love, joy, and peace.
  • Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth. It occurs on December 25th. An angel visited shepherds, saying, “I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. For unto you is born, this day, in Bethlehem, a Savior, who is the Messiah, the Lord.” Christmas is seen as a celebration of God's love for humanity and the world. Celebrations include exchanging presents, giving to charity, decorating Christmas trees, attending church services, and feasting with family. Santa Claus is a popular legend who is said to bring gifts on Christmas Eve to well-behaved children.
  • Lent is the season before Easter. It begins on Ash Wednesday and lasts 40 days until Easter Sunday representing the 40 days in which Jesus spent in the desert fasting, reflecting, and praying. Christians are encouraged to pray, fast, and give or "almsgiving". Fasting can be refraining from certain foods or in giving something up such as food, drink, or a bad habit. Almsgiving can be taking up a social cause or giving time or money to those in need. Christians often reflect on their sins and make goals to improve.
  • PRAY
  • FAST
  • GIVE
  • "He has Risen!" -Mark 16:5-7
  • "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son."- John 3:16
  • Easter is the celebration of Jesus Christ's resurrection on the third day of His burial. Christians believe that Jesus sacrificed himself for humanity, taking the punishment for sins and offering salvation. It is the most important holiday. Easter is celebrated by attending Church services and having a feast with family. Painting "Easter Eggs" is common. Eggs, chicks, and bunnies are popular symbols of life and rebirth. The legendary character the Easter Bunny leaves sweets and treats for children to find.
  • Good Friday is the Friday before Easter and commemorates the day Jesus was crucified and died on the cross. It is observed by Christians with fasting and prayer. It is called Good Friday because Christians believe that through Jesus' great sacrifice, he fulfilled God's promise and all of humanity was offered salvation, a life after death in Heaven.
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