Ways to be an Advocate

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Ways to be an Advocate
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Spol in Spolnost

Spol in Spolnost

Načrti Pouka Patricka Healeyja

Človeška spolnost je niansirana tema in učenci lahko dobijo nasprotujoče si informacije. Današnji najstniki se želijo pogovarjati o tej temi, vloga učitelja pa je, da olajša razpravo na poučen in progresiven način.

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Snemalna Knjiga Opis

Ways to be an Advocate for LGBTQ classmates & family

Snemalna Knjiga Besedilo

  • Does anyone want to join GSA?
  • Just so you know, the proper term is...
  • Changing the culture in your school can make the biggest impact for LGBTQ students. Creating or joining an after-school club is a great choice.
  • Helping others to understand aspects of different sexuality is important. Someone may not know how they can be more inclusive.
  • I saw someone tweeted this at my friend who is...
  • I did my project on the rights of the LGBTQ community.
  • Make sure to report any bullying or harassment. LGBTQ students are more likely to be a target.
  • Be someone others can follow even, if it's not the norm. This will help create conversations on LGBTQ issues.
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