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Načrti Lekcije v Sodu Amontillado

I love sharing "The Cask of Amontillado" with my ninth grade students during the first week of school! I am fortunate enough to teach right outside of Boston, Massachusetts, where this not-so-fictional tale occurred. Going over the background of Poe’s time in the military and being stationed at Castle Island brings this dark romantic tale to life. Students love hearing the truth behind the tale. What they love even more is creating and sharing storyboards that show their understanding of the story. With these activities, you can hook your students and teach them the essentials of this gory tale.

Študentske dejavnosti za Sodu za Amontillada

The Cask of Amontillado Summary

"The Cask of Amontillado" by Edgar Allan Poe, is a short story inspired by true events that took place on Castle Island, a former military fort off of Boston Harbor, in Massachusetts. When Poe was stationed there as young cadet in the Army, he found a peculiar gravestone. After some inquiry, he learned a story of a man who had been walled up alive. Forbidden by his commander to ever repeat the particulars, Poe took the plot line, changed the setting and characters, and wrote this story.

The story is set in Italy, during the Carnival. The narrator, Montresor, without giving the particulars, explains that he has a grudge to settle with Fortunato, who insulted him. Both men being wine connoisseurs, Montresor lures Fortunato into his catacombs by promising him a fine bottle of Amontillado wine.

As the two men travel into the catacombs, Fortunato has no inkling that his friend will betray him. Fortunato is ill, battling a bad cough. Surprisingly, Montresor urges his friend to turn back. Laden with irony and foreshadowing, Fortunato claims, "I will not die of a cough” and continues with Montresor.

When the men finally reach the base of the crypt, Montresor has bricks and mortar awaiting them. He chains Fortunato to the wall and seals him in alive.

Essential Questions for “The Cask of Amontillado”

  1. Is revenge ever justified?
  2. How do actions have serious consequences for others, even if you aren't aware of them?
  3. What is suspense, and how is it used in storytelling?

Other Activity Ideas for "The Cask of Amontillado"

  1. Create storyboards to show specific causes and effects of events in the story.
  2. Storyboard the events at Castle Island where Poe got the idea for his story!
  3. Use a storyboard to show how Poe builds suspense.
  4. Add a presentation to any storyboard project.

Kako Razviti Razumevanje Gotskega Pisanja


Predstavite Različne Vrste Pisanja

Začnite tako, da učencem predstavite različne vrste stilov pisanja. Učitelji se lahko nato osredotočijo predvsem na gotsko pisanje in na to, kako se razlikuje od drugih žanrov. Uvod se lahko osredotoči na zgodovinski kontekst gotske pisave, kot so njen izvor in kulturni vplivi.


Spodbujanje Zanimanja

Učitelji lahko spodbudijo zanimanje za gotsko pisanje tako, da priporočijo nekaj klasičnih literarnih del. Poleg Edgarja Allana Poeja obstaja veliko drugih pisateljev, ki uporabljajo ta slog pisanja, kot sta Mary Shelley (Frankenstein) in Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights).


Preglejte Like

Zapleteni in čustveni liki so pogosti v gotski literaturi. Poiščite like, ki se borijo z obsedenostmi, notranjimi konflikti in psihološkimi bolečinami. Raziščite konflikt med dobrim in zlim ter različne narave likov.


Simbolizem in Podobe

V gotski literaturi so bistveni simbolizem in žive podobe. Preučite načine, na katere podobe, kot so tema, svetloba, ogledala in paranormalno, prikličejo globlje pomene in psihološka čustva. Simbolika, uporabljena v gotski literaturi, je edinstvena in bo študente takoj vzbudila zanimanje.


Pišite in Razmišljajte

Učenci lahko poskusijo pisati eseje ali kritične analize gotske literature, potem ko so se seznanili z nekaterimi zanimivimi deli. Prav tako lahko razpravljajo o težavah s prijatelji ali spletnimi skupnostmi, da delijo svoje misli in poglede.

Pogosta Vprašanja o Sodu Amontillado

Zakaj je zgodba naslovljena "Amontilladov sod"?

Redko vino Amontillado, ki ga Montresor uporablja kot vabo, da bi zvabil Fortunata v svojo past, je omenjeno v naslovu zgodbe. Osredotočenost te glavne teme prevare in manipulacije nakazuje že naslov.

Kdo so glavni liki v "The Cask of Amontillado"?

Dva glavna protagonista v zgodbi sta Fortunato, ki je tarča Montresorjevega maščevalnega načrta, in Montresor, pripovedovalec in iskalec maščevanja.

Kaj je razlog za Montresorjevo maščevanje Fortunatu?

Zgodba posebej ne opredeljuje narave žalitve, ki jo je Fortunato namenil Montresorju. Ta dvoumnost povečuje občutek skrivnosti in omogoča bralcem, da se sprašujejo, kaj bi lahko bili motivi Montresorja.

Kaj je glavna tema zgodbe?

Glavna tema zgodbe je maščevanje. Natančno načrtovanje in izvedba Montresorjevega maščevanja razkrivata njegovo zaskrbljenost zaradi maščevanja za domnevno krivico, ki jo je storil Fortunat. Zgodba raziskuje temno in maščevalno plat človeške strasti.

Poiščite več učnih načrtov in dejavnosti, kot so te v naši kategoriji Umetnost v angleškem jeziku!
Oglejte si vse Učiteljske Vire
*(To bo začelo 2 teden brezplačnega preizkusa - nobena kreditna kartica ni potrebna)
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