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Judges storyboard

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Judges storyboard
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Текст на Статията

  • How can I save Israel? I am insignificant!
  • I shall be with you and you shall cut Midian down to the last man!
  • You must lead your people! Only you can save them!
  • I must break this statue of Baal! Sorry Canaanites, there is one god and one god alone!
  • For the rest of you, here are some poppers, jars, and bells. We are going to scare them with noise
  • Sorry men, I’ll only be using 300 of you from here on out. The rest of you can take a hike. Thanks.
  • Sorry men, from here on out, I’ll only be using 300 of you. The rest of you can take a hike.
  • You saved us! You should be OUR GOD!
  • Yes! Be our god!
  • No, no I could never!
  • Give me all your gold, for I will form an idol of myself out of it. I am the true god. I have liberated you all.
  • For the rest of you, take these poppers, bells, and jars. We’re going to scare them with all the noise.
  • I shall be with you and you shall cut Midian down to the last man
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