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Текст на Статията

  • Rutherford Hayes Rupublican Party
  • Samuel Tilden Democrat Party
  • Who won the election? Why/What was the controversy?
  • Rutherford Hayes grew up in Delaware, Ohio. He later became the Governor of Ohio. When running for president, his campaign focused on the attainment of voting rights for blacks and economic plans.
  • What was the Compromise of 1877?
  • Samuel Tilden grew up in New Lebanon, New York. He later became the Governor of New York. When running for president, his campaign focused on civil service reform, gold-standard support, and opposition to high taxes.
  • With a narrow 185-184 majority, Rutherford Hayes won the election. There was much controversy due to the 1 electoral vote win and the fact that Hayes lost the popular vote.
  • The Compromise of 1877 was a deal that congressional leaders came up with to end the dispute that the election caused.
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