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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Текст на Статията

  • In the beginning Maui wanted to get fire for the upper ground but the God of the lower ground didn't want to share
  • We should share the fire because my people are cold
  • Maui got mad at the God in the lower ground so he stole fire while the fire God wasn't looking.
  • Maui ran and ran far until he got to a tree Maui grabbed the fire and told the fire to go in the tree
  • Go inside the tree so that my people can have fire
  • The fire wasn't loyal to the fire God so the fire went inside of the tree and listened to Maui
  • The upper ground people were filled with joy they were happy that Maui gave them fire
  • Now if you ever get wood or sticks you can create fire with just the wood or sticks.
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