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Boston Tea Party Comic Strip

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Boston Tea Party Comic Strip
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Текст на Статията

  • Shoe Store
  • I am George Hewes. I am a cobbler and I own my own she store.
  • I am Robert Sessions. I heard about the mob and joined without a second thought, because there were not enough men to finish the job quickly.
  • I am John Andrews. I did not want any part of this protest or boycott. In fact, I did not want it to happen at all!
  • My store was close to the place where the Boston Tea Party happened. I participated in it too!
  • As soon as I heard I joined the mob in dumping tea into the ocean, in protest and boycott of taxes.
  • Dear brother, I fear the British will crack down on Boston for destroying ten thousandpounds sterling of the East IndiaCompany's tea.From, John Andrews
  • I wrote a letter to my brother saying:
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