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Lyme disease

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Lyme disease
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Текст на Статията

  • Hi doctor Amy, I’ve been having some suspicious round red circles on my hand and it itches a lot, I’ve also been having a lot of migraines.
  • Hello Marie I hope you are doing well what brings you in today
  • Yes actually, I just came back from Austria I was in a small cabin in the woods and went hiking everyday in the morning
  • Where have you been lately, have you been outdoor, have you traveled?
  • How do I prevent myself from getting Lyme disease?
  • You might have Lyme disease, Lyme disease is technically small ticks that bite you, it will cause headaches, skin rashes, and fatigue
  • Anything else I should be alerted by?
  • You can try to wear light colored clothing so the ticks can be spot easily, wear shoes not any sandals or slippers with long socks
  • I’ll make sure to do all of that next time I go hiking thank you for telling me!
  • Try your best not to go to grassy areas, try to find a empty trail while hiking in the woods
  • Ok I will try my best not to itch it thank you and bye!
  • Not a problem at all and for now don’t itch the bite mark let it heal by itself see you next time Marie.
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