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The Hate U Give

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The Hate U Give
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Описание на Статията


Текст на Статията

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action #1
  • Rising Action #2
  • The story starts by introducing Starr and her family. Starr is the protagonist. She lives with her family and goes to a private school.
  • Climax
  • Starr has a party and khaliil is in the car and The police think that he get gun and the police shoot khaliil then Starr start's crying.
  • Falling Actions
  • Starr scared to testify in courts, but she still does.
  • Resolution
  • when the king throw the fire and the people run away.
  • The community spoke out and tell the police that he start the fire and he get arrested.
  • She decides to speak up khaliil and the world.
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