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The Firebird

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The Firebird
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Текст на Статията

  • Exposition
  • Rising Action
  • Ït wouldn't be good for her to see what a small world it is, Dad said. I had promised her that she can go, Mom said. After thought, they both agreed. So can I go, I said? They both said, Yes you may go.
  • Omg, A Flamingo! The bird was a beautiful as a picture.
  • Climax 
  • Awe, Melanie said in a cracking voice
  • Thund!
  • Melanie sat in her teaching machine learning about flamingos, beuatifully colored birds she had read about in an old book. In a beautiful place very different than what she lives in now. The place she lives in now was hard to see outside the crowded streets because of the thick posinis smog in the air.
  • Fallling Action
  • Melanie's parents had promised her that one day she will be able to go to the Natural park because that's the last place where birds still lived. Her father didn't think it was a good idea but her mother promised, so her father agreed. She flew in a helicopter on the way to the park to avoid the thick mists. She saw a lake that was so shiny, she had to go see. The helicoter stopped and she went to go look around but still no flamingo. She was looking deeper and deeper into the woods and finally into the distance she sees a flamingo! While her dad is calling her she ingnors him to run and touch the flamingo, afraid she would never touch it again becaue her dad will take her away. The flamingo fell over and floated in the water.
  • Resolution
  • Melanie begains to cry. The caretaker explains that when the last flamingo died, people should see what flamingos woulld have looked like. So they put a fake one so it fools visitors if they don't get to close.
  • Conflict/Theme
  • The caretaker said that when they were lifted in the air their feathers would catch on fire in the sunlight. They were trully beautiful birds and it is a shame that people crowded to close to the park. Also the water became poisoned too. The flamingos needed more than just the island to survive.
  • Melanie picked up the firebird and carefully stood it back up. Then, she turned to go.
  • Goodbye, I said sadly.
  • Melanie had been dreaming of visiting this place that had flamngos only to find out that flamingos don't exist. Her understandiing of the harsh realities of the world helped her to cope with the sadness she was feeling.
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