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Benedict Parable

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Benedict Parable
Storyboard That

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Текст на Статията

  • Give us all ye' mone' or we'll make a mess outta' ya'.
  • What's e' doin' , and is it just me or did e' get a bit... tal'er
  • Don't ya worre' 'bout it he'll be done soon I bet ya!
  • I'll tell you what I did! I believed in God and prayed to him to make me grow from something small to something great!
  • Guess what you thieves! I'll let you go because I know and need to grow in kindness love and faith in God to grow, so now you thieving fools go to your moms and cry all day, just make sure to go to Mass!
  • Maybe that large man wasn't al' wrong, Let's take a good ol' stop at this church, matey!
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