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Guevaras life

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Guevaras life
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Текст на Статията

  • Che Guevara was born June 14 in 1928.
  • Guevara had a very important role in the military in the Cuban revolution. He served as a military advisor to Castro.
  • He led guerrilla fighters into Africa and South America and wrote about the theories and tactics that would be involved in guerrilla warfare.
  • Guevara became in charge of La Cabaña Fortress prison. Approximately 144 people were executed on Guevara’s extra-judicial orders.
  • Guevara then became president of the Cuban national bank and helped to shift the country’s trade relations from the United States to the Soviet Union
  • Che Guevara was captured and executed. When he was dead they cut of his hands as prove that they have killed him.
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