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The indian caste system

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The indian caste system
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  • Indian Caste system
  • Indian Caste System
  • Brahmins 
  • kshatriya
  • In india there is something called a caste system the caste system consist of five categories. 
  • Vaisyas 
  • In the Brahmins, the jobs most of the people have are priests and some of the duties people have is being king and they are specialized as intellectuals. Something interesting about brahmins is that the arrange prayers and rituals. The brahmins are the highest in the caste system out of five different caste systems.
  • Shudra
  • In the kshatriya, the jobs of the people or duties are kings/rulers and warriors. The aryans created the kshatriya. Twenty percent of india's population is within the kshatriya. 
  • Dalits (Untouchables)
  • In the Vaisyas some of the jobs are duties people have are merchants, craftsmen, landowners, and skilled workers. Vaisyas were not aloud to learn the vedas. Vaisyas were expected to cattle, farm, or to trade.
  • Sudras had no rights or privileges. In sudra some of the jobs and the duties are farm workers, unskilled workers, and servants. The sudras wore a twisted scarf around their neck. Sudras are not permitted to enter temples.
  • In the Dalits some of the jobs and duties that people have are street sweeper, Clean up human/animal waste, and they deal with dead bodies. The dalits are at the bottom of the caste system. In the dalits the main problem is that there is a high risk of child labor and child slavery. 
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