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ww1 causes

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ww1 causes
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Текст на Статията

  • Title
  • Militarism 
  • Alliances
  • The causes of WW1
  • Imperialism
  • All these soldiers that fought for our country knew that there was going to be a huge chances they weren't going to ever see their families ever again.
  • Nationalism
  • During WW1 both sides of the war had alliances. Germany had Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman empire. The United States had France, Japan, Britain, Russia, and Italy.
  • The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
  • They were all fighting for more land and more natural resources. also more land for industries, and things like that.
  • The countries were being super greedy and not negotiating about it and
  • the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie was the spark of this great war. they were shot driving by Gavrilo Princip on the Latin bridge.
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