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Storyboard - ELA

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Storyboard - ELA
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Текст на Статията

  • Mrs. Jones walks past a corner and someone named Roger comes out from that corner, this happened on a sidewalk during 11p.m
  • Yes M'ma
  • Mrs. Jones gets mad at Roger asking him why he tried stealing her purse
  • Pick up my pocket book now!
  • I wanted 10$ blue shoes
  • Why did you try stealing my pocket book?
  • Mrs. Jones then asks him why he tried stealing her pocket book. Also asking if he has someone to tell him to wash his face.
  • "Aint you got someone at home to tell you to wash your face?
  • You're going to my house. Im not letting you loose because you touched me first.
  •  Can you let me loose?
  • Yes M΅am
  • Mrs. Jones drags Roger to her house to let him wash his face. Not letting him loose because he touched her first
  • Do you need somebody to go to the store?
  • Mrs. Jones makes it to the house with Roger and lets him wash his face, also letting him eat some food. While at the table they chatted.
  • Dont believe I do
  • Bye, and here is 10$ Dollars so you can get those shoes you wanted.
  • Thank you M'am
  • Mrs. Jones says bye to Roger and gives him 10$ to buy the shoes he wanted.
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