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india caste system

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india caste system
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Текст на Статията

  • India's caste system
  • The brahmins
  • 1.the brahmins are  respected more than other people 2. they believe in reincarnation
  • 1. kshatriyas they are kings and warriors of their land 2. Parashurama was the god of kshatriyas
  • The Kshatriyas 
  • The Vaishyas 
  • my role is  to do work and sell things agricultural2. i am the third highest on the caste system
  • 1.  the role of a shudras is to do manual labor 2.they have no rights of privilege in there caste system
  • The shudras
  • 1. the untouchables where people who didn't have much they were peasants 2.they are not apart of the system they would have to clean up everywhere cause they weren't higher up in the caste system
  • TheUntouchables 
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