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Criminal Court Proceedings APGOV

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Criminal Court Proceedings APGOV
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Текст на Статията

  • You are under arrest for trying to steal pizza and chicken! Anything you say or do can be used against you in court.
  • Him, right there!
  • Defendant
  • Members of the jury, you need to find out if this defendant is guilty depending on provided evidence.
  • Plaintiff
  • Defendant
  • Present to the court your evidence. I will view this evidence myself as well.
  • Plaintiff
  • I have a recording for proof, it's on my phone!
  • Defendant
  • This is clear evidence that you tried to rob the store for chicken and pizza! You... are... GUILTY! You will receive a 10 year sentence!
  • Plaintiff
Над 30 милиона създадени разкадровки