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american revolution

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american revolution
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Текст на Статията

  • French and Indian war
  • No Taxation Without Representation
  • we aren't paying taxes no more
  • you're paying taxes
  • First Continental Congress 
  • the French and Indians fought England for 7 years for territory, after the war ended and British won, the British were in debt and needed money so they taxed the american colonists a lot
  • The French Alliance
  • colonists had to pay taxes but had no vote or say in Parliament so they stopped paying taxes completely
  • Battle of Yorktown
  • Army leader, George Washington, and a group of important men met to discuss the colonies crisis. This congress exploded into a war causing the British and the Continental army to meet up and this was known as the beginning of the american revolution
  • Treaty of Paris
  • The American army defeated British, this victory made French join the Americans to fight against Britain. French helped a lot by bring much supplies, trained soldiers and warships
  • This was the last major battle fought in Yorktown, Virginia. British troops were surrounded by the American and French causing Britain to surrender on Oct 19, 1781
  • American, British, and French signed the Treaty of Paris ending the war
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