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The Adventures of Toto

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The Adventures of Toto
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Текст на Статията

  • Grandfather saw a monkey with a Tonga driver, he bought the monkey Toto from him for 5 rupees because he wanted to to add the monkey to his little private zoo.
  • Grandfather bought Toto the monkey home and hid him so that Grandmother can't know about it but he was so mischievous that he tore the jacket hanging on the wall
  • One day, Toto jumped inside a kettle of water kept on fire. The water kept boiling but, Toto was feeling warm as it was cold outside. Grandmother pulled Toto out of the boiling water and saved him from burning.
  • Grandfather took Toto with him in a bag and went to Dehra dun in train. The ticket collector was surprised and took 3 rupees as a fare because he thought it was a dog.
  • When one of the aunts came home, Toto became mischevious, he took the plate of pulao from the dining table and went outside and climbed into the tree. he ate the pulao and threw the plate on the floor and broke it. Grandmother got very angry.
  • Grandfather realised that keeping Toto in the house was not easy because he broke and spoiled many things. So he took Toto back to the tonga driver and gave him Toto back for 3 rupees.
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