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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Текст на Статията

  • The Logans live on their own land and have a cotton field. Mama works as a teacher and all the kids go to Great Faith school.
  • Big Ma takes Cassie to Strawberry but Cassie accidentally bumps into Lillian Jean and her father twisted Cassie's arm.
  • Mama is about to get fired because she is teaching the truth about slavery.
  • Stacey, Cassie, Christopher John, and Little man are mad at T.J. because he told the guys at the Wallace Store about Mama's teaching and got her fired.
  • T.J came for Stacey's help because he got hurt by the Simm's when they went to steal and T.J. wanted to leave.
  • T.J. got caught by the Simm's so Papa lit the field on fire as a distraction.
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