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My house

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My house
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Текст на Статията

  • This is my house: there's a kitchen, a living room, a study, two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
  • This is my kitchen: it has got a fridge, a sink, some cupboards, a counter, a chest of drawers, a table with four chairs.
  • This is my living room: it has got a sofa, two armchairs, two tables, a tv, a piano, two windows, some chairs and a lot of cat toys
  • This is my parents bedroom: it has got a bed, a wardrobe, a window and two bedside tables.
  • This is my bedroom: it has got a bed, a sofa, a wardrobe, a desk, two chairs, a cupboard and two windows.
  • This is the bathroom: it has got a toilet, a mirror, a bath tub, a wash basin and a washing machine.
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