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Unknown Story

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Unknown Story
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Текст на Статията

  • Grenade by Alan Gratz
  • this is Hideki Kaneshiro, a 14 year old Japanese boy who is made to fight for his country a long with many other of young kids. He was made to fight for his country because a soldier thought he looked old enough to be in the war. Hideki was terrified and didn't want anything to do with it but he had to or else they would've killed him on the spot for betraying his country.
  • Hideki and his family were going to evacuate to Japan, away from the war. But Hideki was grabbed by an IJA soldier on the boat they were on and said that he was old enough to fight. He agreed to fight in the war even though he knew nothing about fighting.
  • Hideki had multiple problems, His sister was still on Okinawa at Ichinichibashi, she had been sent to an army hospital after the death of their father. After his father dies he plans to make his way to his sister on foot. He was scared of his own soldiers because he thought they would figure out he was a coward, the luetinant found out and chased him throughout a cave right before Hideki almost got killed by a flamethrower.
  • Hideki finds his sister and saves a good bit of smaller children. They found safety at an American camp probably taken over by the Americans, Hideki and his sister were teriffied of the Americans but eventually learned that they are just human and fight because they are scared. Hideki taught this to his sister and all the smaller children they rescued. Kimiko and Hideki talk and Kimiko tells him how his grandparent wasn't a coward and Hideki starts to feel a lot better about himself. He always thought that it was a curse from him.
  • Hideki felt a connection with Big John and John felt a connection with him. He saw Ray's badge on his uniform but ignored it. Many Okinawans in the cave that big John threw the grenade in ran away but most of them walked off a cliff to their deaths because of how terrified they were of the Americans. The war ended with the Americans winning, the Americans suffered the lost of 50,000 comrades and the Japanese lost 110,000.
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