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The winter at valley forge

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The winter at valley forge
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Текст на Статията

  • The Winter at Valley Forge (1777)
  • George Washington's Quarters
  • Soldiers Quarters
  • There was a new training regiment, they weren't settled in yet because they just moved camp.
  • Problems Faced by the Soldiers #1
  • Washington's quarters were slightly better than the soldiers. They picked a good spot to set up camp, near a river to protect themselves, but not to far from the city.
  • Problems Faced by the Soldiers #2
  • They made 2,000 huts to house the soldiers. Those were just simple log cabins.
  • Training with Baron Fredrick von Steuben
  • They often didn't have enough clothes to keep warm, they also were low on food.
  • There was a disease that struck the army. 2,000 men were killed.
  • Steuben taught 100 men who taught the rest of the army. He also made the camp more efficient by moving the kitchens.
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