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Thanksgiving story board

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Thanksgiving story board
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Текст на Статията

  • How My Family celebrates Thanksgiving.
  • Indigenous people celebrates Thanksgiving.
  • My plan.
  • My family celebrates Thanksgiving by having our family and friends together at the house. We make Thanksgiving dinner including ham, turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, and macaroni and cheese. For dessert, we eat pumpkin pie.
  • The Wampanoags welcomed the pilgrims to help them during an epidemic. The white pilgrim broke their promises by stealing the food and land. The called the Natives "savages." This makes the Natives feel very sad and upset. This is why a lot of Wampanoags do not celebrate Thanksgiving.
  • My plan is for Thanksgiving to be a celebration for everyone. The Native Americans and white people could have celebrations together. They could celebrate their differences and respect each other.
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