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Текст на Статията

  • Yo wassup it's me ya boi Enzo, I am what you call an enzyme and I have a significant role in biological reactions. We speed up chemical reactions and also lower the energy needed for it to happen.
  • Let's call the objects below me as substrates. Substrates do not have the same shape, so there are also specific shaped enzymes that deal with them.
  • If the enzyme and substrate perfectly fit each other, they form an intimate relationship!... I mean an enzyme-substrate complex
  • Once they fit, the enzyme breaks down the substrate to create a product. The enzyme cannot be destroyed or changed, so it can break down even more substrates
  • Remember guys, I am not the only enzyme. I have friends called; oxidoreductases, transferases, hydrolases, lyases, isomerases, ligases and many more!
  • We all have different functions and located in different body parts, but we work for the same goal... to help support life by speeding up chemical reactions
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