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Julius Caesar

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Julius Caesar
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Текст на Статията

  • Once upon a time in Ancient Rome, Brutus and Cassius, the leaders of the conspirators, argued after Brutus found out about Cassius taking bribes.
  • You have wronged yourself, I don't even know who you are anymore! Get out!
  • You have wronged me
  • The painful words spoken by Brutus make Cassius upset, so much so that he threatens to kill himself. His threat made them both realise how out of proportion the argument had gotten and so they made up.
  • No don't do that! Were being dramatic, it's just your mom’s temper taking over you
  • You killed Ceasar because you loved him but you do not love me so I'm gonna kill myself.
  • True, let's calm down.
  • After the argument, Messala and Titinius enter and Brutus reveals the painful news of his wife's suicide. Surprisingly, he is not as affected by her death as others thought he would be.
  • By the way, my wife killed herself by eating hot coal
  • Oh no!
  • Tragic
  • Brutus was not the only one bearing news… They found out about what Octavius and Antony had been up to in Rome. Knowing this, they begin to plan their strategy against them.
  • No! Let's meet them in Philippi and attack them.
  • Octavius and Antony are going to kill 100 senators.
  • Let them come to us!
  • Alright
  • After discussing what to do they all go to bed.
  • We have to rest, so let's do that tomorrow. Play me a song, Lucius.
  • Ok, goodnight.
  • While in bed, Brutus receives a visit from Caesar's ghost who tells him that they will meet in Philippi.
  • NO.
  • Did yall see that?
  • Brutus, I am your evil spirit, well see each other in Philippi.
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