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Brer Rabbit and Brer Cooter

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Brer Rabbit and Brer Cooter
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Текст на Статията

  • In the forest, long time age, when creatures live in the village together Brer Rabbit and Brer Cooter were neighbors. But Bret Rabbit like to bully Brer Cooter, so one day, Brer Cooter couldn’t hold it anymore. He asked Brer Rabbit a race.
  • Brer Rabbit were surprise but he accept the race. He tell his wife to wait at one stop for him and he will go there to drink juice. And he went around town telling all animal that he will have a race with Brer Cooter.
  • I'm here, Brer Rabbit
  • Brer Rabbit decided to rest under the tree for a while. When he woke up, he start running to the 2nd-mile point. And he shouted, "Brer Cooter, where are you?" Under the milestone, Brer Cooter shouted, "I'm here, Brer Rabbit." Thinking that Brer Cooter is behind him, Brer Rabbit continues running.
  • On the race field, Brer Cooter had put 3 mile stone. In each stop, he put his cousin under each one. Then it was the race day. When the race start, Brer Rabbit quickly run past Brer turtle. He arrive at the first mile stone, and when he look back Brer Cooter was far behind him.
  • Brer Rabbit run for some time and he remembers that he was going to drink juice with his wife. So he runs to his wife and drinks some juice. Then he realizes he rest for a long time already so he starts to run.
  • Brer Cooter where are you?
  • "Brer Cooter, where are you?" Then Brer Cooter shouted, "I'm here, Brer Rabbit." and Brer Cooter was already in the final milestone. Brer Cooter arrive before Brer Rabbit did. After the race, Brer Rabbit learn a lesson to not bully anyone anymore.
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