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Текст на Статията

  • A boy is sitting in a room alone and he heard a loud voice and screaming sound continuously. He closed his ears with both his hands and he closed his eyes too. He began to recall the events that had occured in his mind.
  • I cant handle this situation anymore. God Please save me.
  • Items like books, pens, papers and glasses are scattered around the living room.
  • While in the kitchen so many plates and dishes that are not washed yet. The house was in an abnormal condition.
  • In the kitchen the husband and wife quarelling with each other. The husband quarrels with his wife for spending too much of money without his knowledge.
  • The wife tried to explain her situation to her husband but her husband kept yelling at her and breaking his wifes debit card and slap her.Then he moved from the place. Then his wife started to cry and gets emotional. She feels depressed.
  • The boy who studied in his room could hear the quarrel between his mother and father. The boy became depressed and tore the paper he was writting.
  • When this will end...
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