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Cold War

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Cold War
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  • The Cold War
  • By Maia Slominski
  • The Cold war began on March 12, 1948 between the United States and the Soviet Union.
  • The war lasted around 45 years and was not an actual war. 
  • The war began when the two rivals had political dissagreemants
  • The U.S disliked the Soviet Union because they endorsed and tried to spread communism.
  • The Soviet Union feared the U.S because of our usage of nuclear weapons.
  • During the Cold War the infamous Berlin Wall was built to control its East Berlin population. This wall is known as the "Iron Curtain" because it divided the East and West nation.
  • High inflation was also and effect from the Cold War.
  • The Cold War finally ended when the borders reopened and political stances went to seperate countries.
  • The Cold War ended in December of 1991.
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