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The little dogo

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The little dogo
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Текст на Статията

  • In the not so distant past we zoom in a family living in a dictator driven country. This is a special day because they get a new member to their family
  • No! Take that dog back to where you got it!
  • Family, our US friend has given us a dog!
  • NO! It was a gift 
  • YAY!
  • Now this girl loved her dog. She would play with Liberty every day. Everything wasn't so perfect one day when they discovered the truth about the country.
  • You never saw us. kapiche?
  • OK! Just don't hurt him.
  • The family has finally got their passports, but would find out that they would have to give up something for freedom.
  • We got our visas, so pack up and were going to leave for America as soon as possible!
  • I'm sorry, but we can't bring liberty to America with us.
  • Now you and your sisters get to bring only one toy.
  • I want to bring Liberty!
  • Once we were all packed, the 2 government agents I had seen earlier were breaking everything the girls old house. She was smart enough to figure that they would try to get liberty, so she released him. The only problem was that he wouldn't leave, so she did the one thing her mom did. She kicked liberty, and he ran away.
  • Liberty's Pen
  • Now Liberty didn't like this so he ran past their secret place and kept running to the real world.
  • Now with Liberty in a probably safe place, all the gorl could do was think, and get ready to go to America.
  • Will I see Liberty again in the US?
  • Was my aunt talking about a diffrent type of Liberty?
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