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Martín Luther king

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Martín Luther king
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Текст на Статията

  • I support Martin Luther King in his fight for civil rights
  • And the Nobel is for… Martin Luther King!!!
  • The American government is the greatest provider of violence in the world today
  • Representing the SCLC, King organized the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. And he was one of those who accepted President Kennedy's suggestion to change its message. Kennedy had already publicly supported King and had intervened several times to get him released from prison, had initially opposed the objective of the march because he believed that it could have a negative impact on the vote of the civil rights law.
  • We want better working conditions!!
  • On October 14, 1964, Martin Luther King became the youngest recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize for leading nonviolent resistance to eliminate racial prejudice in the United States.
  • Beginning in 1965, Martin Luther King began to express his doubts about the role of the United States in the Vietnam War. On April 4, 1967, he delivered the speech "Beyond Vietnam: Time to Break the Silence" in New York.
  • We can’t play with you because you are black
  • At the end of March 1968, Martin Luther King traveled to Memphis, Tennessee, to support the local black garbage collectors who had been on strike since March 12 for better pay and better treatment. African-Americans were paid $1.70 an hour, but were not paid when they could not work due to weather, unlike white workers. As a result of the peaceful protests, a wave of violence broke out against them that degenerated into the murder of a young African-American
  • On April 4, 1968 at 6:01 p.m., Martin Luther King was assassinated by a white segregationist on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. For this act, James Earl Ray is found guilty and sentenced to 99 years in prison. King's last words were addressed to Ben Branch, who was to perform that evening during a meeting attended by King.
  • The murder sparked a wave of race riots in 60 cities across the US that led to numerous deaths and forced the intervention of the National Guard. Five days later, President Johnson decreed a national day of mourning (the first for an African American) in honor of Martin Luther King.
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