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Revolutionary war timeline

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Revolutionary war timeline
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Текст на Статията

  • These are three different people that played roles in the revolutionary war. The man on the right is a patriot fighting for his freedom and fighting all the battles. The women in the middle has a very important role. The women took care of the house they lived in, the family, helped wounded soldiers, and fought when the husband in the family died. The African Americans some of them fought on the British side because they gave the African Americans freedom.
  • The man on the left is a French commander. In fact without the French we probably would have never won the revolutionary war. The French supplied us with every thing. They gave us soldiers, gun powder, and gave us money. The French basically lost everything. They gave us all they had. The man in the middle is George Washington, he was the leader and commander of the colonies. Without his help as well the colonies might have never won. He used great fighting tactics and new what to do in tough situations. The Native Americans did not do much for the colonies. Most of them stayed neutral but some of them did fight for the colonies and some of them fought for Britain.
  • One huge advantage that the colonies have is that they were fighting on their own home land. That is so important because you know where everything is and you know how to get there. Also, you could work your way around the colonies. You know what the quickest way to where ever you are going. Also, you can set up traps and out smart the other opponents because they know where everything is and what to do and when to fall back.
  • The battle of Lexington and Concord started the revolutionary war. The two sides were not meant to fight until a gunshot went off and the two sides broke into war. This was called "The Shot Heard Around the World." The colonies did end up winning this battle. This battle occurred 1775.
  • Attack!!
  • Fire!!
  • The Declaration of Independence occurred int 1776. This was a document that told Great Britain that we want to have our own independence and that we are leaving you and you no longer control us. Of coarse Britain didn't like this news to well so this ended up creating a whole bunch of wars.
  • The battle of Saratoga was known as a turning point in the Revolutionary war. The Continental army persevered and came out of there victorious. This battle occurred i 1777. The colonies defeated the troops and cut off supply routes.
  • You are defeated!
  • Valley of Forge occurred in 1777. The colonies had a rough battle 11,000 soldiers entered Valley of Forge hundreds dies from disease, the troops ran out of all supplies. But the colonies held together by the help of George Washington and came out with a great win.
  • This battle occurred in 1781. The colonies trapped Great Britain and forced them to surrender. The battle then ended and the colonies won the last battle of the war.
  • We are victorious!
  • This event occurred in 1783 when the treaty was signed. This was between the colonies and Great Britain and this ended the war between the two and recognized the United States as an Independent Nation.
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