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Russian Revolution

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Russian Revolution
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Текст на Статията

  • Czar VS People
  • Russians
  • Germans
  • Czar Nicolas II had absolute power through Serfdom. Late industrialization and unnecessary wars meant food shortage and forced work with little pay for people.
  • Imperial guards fired upon peaceful demonstrators on orders of Czar, this led to large killing and Czar was perceived as an enemy of the working class and revolutionary ideas spread. Czar promised reforms after bloodshed.
  • Liberty for all
  • Leave Russia
  • NO Czars
  • NO Czars
  • The Peasants and the working class were forced to be part of Russian army to fight against better equipped German forces in WWI. Czar left Petrograd to command Russian army which was in despair, people blamed Czar for getting many russian soldiers killed.
  • Vladimir Lenin
  • U.S.S.R
  • Czarina took control of Russian politics with the help of Rasputin. Nobles distrusted her because of German ancestry and planned Rasputin’s murder.
  • February revolution saw Czar’s army joining the revolutionaries which led to Czar giving up his throne and Russia was led by 2 parties Petrograd Soviet and Provincial Government.
  • The October revolution saw the rise of Bolsheviks led by Lenin and the setting up of new Communist Russia.The Red Army of Bolsheviks under Lenin fought the White Army and claimed victory. Romanovs were executed by Bolsheviks.
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