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Significance of Artifacts

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Significance of Artifacts
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Текст на Статията

  • I'm tired! That was fun playing basketball with you huh? You're great
  • Wow! High dreams. I hope you achieve what you dream of when the time comes
  • Thank you so much for the compliment. Hahaha because I am also determined to reach my dream of becoming a Professional Basketball player
  • As far as I know, your father's job is archeologist, right?
  • Can you tell me a story like your father told you? I also dream of becoming an archeologist when the time comes
  • Okay
  • Yes, my father's work is archeologist
  • That's right. Because I really like the study that has to do with the cultures and the politics of our country
  • My father told me that artifacts are incredibly beneficial to academics who want to learn about a culture
  • My father also explained to me that because many ancient cultures lacked a written language or did not actively record their history, artifacts are often the only documentation of how people lived.
  • According to him, a cultural artifact is something that a team makes, distributes, and/or transmits to the outside team that can be observed. You can use these artifacts to learn about a team's or organization's culture. Cultural artifacts can reveal information about a team's potential culture.
  • Thank you so much for telling me such knowledge about being an archeologist
  • Thank you also. Hopefully we will reach our dreams when the time comes. See you tomorrow. Lets play again! byeee!
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