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Immune System Comic Strip

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Immune System Comic Strip
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Текст на Статията

  • The pathogen comes across a healthy cell and wants to enter it!! The host cell begs the pathogen to stay away, but he was determined. The pathogen gives the healthy cell no choice and enters.
  • I am a pathogen and Im here to infect you!
  • nooooo! please I want to be a healthy cell!
  • The mast cells are the first to spot the pathogen within the cell. They send chemical signals to alert everyone. This leads to inflammation and increased blood flow.
  • ALERT!!! We are in danger! I see a pathogen!
  • The T cell comes in to kill the pathogen. Not only will it kill the pathogen with its cytotoxic killer cells, but it will also use its memory cells to remember the antigen.
  • I am here to kill you!
  • The B-cell produces antibodies and binds himself to the pathogens to help clump them together.
  •  Im here to clump you all together
  • The phagocyte comes in and engulfs the dead pathogens. The enzymes inside the phagocyte kill the pathogen inside.
  • Im going to eat you all!
  • The T- cells, B- cells, and phagocytes work together to successfully fight of the pathogen!
  • WE DID IT!! Great work guys!!
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