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Jackie Robinson

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Jackie Robinson
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Текст на Статията

  • Jackie Robinson's journey started in the military, but soon Jackie left the military to play Negro League Baseball.
  • While playing in the Negro Leagues Robinson was discovered by Branch Rickey, who signed him to the Brooklyn Dodgers.
  • What will you do if someone throws at your head?
  • Robinson started in the minors with the Montreal Royals. Many wondered how other players would react to having a "colored" player on the field.
  • I'll duck.
  • Later, Robinson made his debut, making him the first black player to play professional baseball in six decades
  • Some of Robinson's teamates did not want to work with him
  • On many occasions, opposing players would try to physically injure Robinson by stepping on him or running into him with their baseball cleats
  • Ouch!!!
  • Opponents soon took notice of Robinson's ability to play in the major leagues after he won the "Rookie of the Year" award.
  • Robinson married his wife, Rachel Robinson
  • The next year Robinson was very successful , setting career highs in many major league categories. 
  • Robinson excited many fans with his daring base running. He "stole" home on many occasions.
  • Robinson helped his team win the World Series in 1955.
  • Robinson retired and was inducted into the MLB Hall of Fame. His courage and willingness to sacrifice himself so that African Americans would be accepted and allowed to participate in the sport of baseball are heroic and an inspiration to all.
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