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The landforms

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The landforms
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Текст на Статията

  • And what do you think if we help you
  • Friends I can't keep talking because I have to go to do a homework, about the landforms
  • What a good idea
  • An example of landfor is the Beach that is a part of land that is in contact to the ocean, the island is an other example of landform Is an area of land surrounded by the ocean
  • Other examples are the Valley it is a area betwen two mountains, The ountais is a parta of land that is elevated too hight, Hill is like a mountain but this is less elevated, and the Plateu iss like a mountain but it tip is flat
  • Other example can be  the river It is a natural area throught wich a stream of water pases, and the lake is an area of water surrounded by land
  • And the other two examples are Isthmus is a narrow of land that joins across the sea two largers areas of land, and the Satrit Narrow water passage conecting ywo larger body of water
  • Thnks Friends, now I can do my homework
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