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Grace and Julia: Chapter 2

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Grace and Julia: Chapter 2
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Текст на Статията

  • When Julia and Grace woke up, they found tiaras for them. The sun looked beautiful as it rose. "Now we're princesses!" they gleefully exclaimed.
  • Then they went to the kitchen and ate breakfast. The cereal was super yummy! "Wow!" Grace said, "thith thtuff ith great!" "Yeth!" Julia replied.
  • "What's this?" Julia asked. They had been whisked away to a staircase. "Come on!" Grace exclaimed.
  • At the bottom of the steps, there was a door. Inside they heard a man who was instructing a child. "Ok, we're going to drop something heavy on him. Make sure you meet me on the chandelier at 2:00." A small reply came. "Okay?"
  • The man was a conspirator who wanted to kill the king. The young maid asked him how to get onto the chandelier. He scoffed: "The ladder, SILLY!
  • The king and queen were eating in their room. "I love this lunch!" The king remarked. The queen chuckled back and took a bite. Grace and Julia heard whispering up in the roof. "Oh dear!" "We must save them!" They said.
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