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Night chapter 1 assingmnent

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Night chapter 1 assingmnent
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Текст на Статията

  • Slide 1
  • Slide 2
  • Slide 3
  • Eliezer meets and talks to Moshie the beadle at the synagogue at night about religion and "why do you pray". (4)
  • Most important quote
  • Eventually the Hungarian police expel and remove all foreigners, and "Moshie the beadle was a foreigner." (6)
  • Near the then of the chapter the germans invade their town, and start ransacking all of their items and sending them to ghettos, while hungarian police quote "burst into every jewish home in town" (10)
  • I belive that the most important quote is the description of the synagog after all the destruction and ransacking, being described as "tears....altar shattered...shredded...bare.." Its important because the synagogue was their sanctuary and now it has been destroyed.
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