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Romeo & Juliet

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Romeo & Juliet
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Текст на Статията

  • By a nameI know not how to tell thee who I am. My name, dear saint, is hateful to myselfBecause it is an enemy to thee.Had I it written, I would tear the word.
  • My ears have not yet drunk a hundred wordsOf that tongue's uttering, yet I know the sound.Art thou not Romeo, and a Montague?
  • Neither, fair maid, if either thee dislike.
  • How camest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?The orchard walls are high and hard to climb,And the place death, considering who thou art, If any of my kinsmen find thee here.
  • With love's light wings did I o'erperch these walls,For stony limits cannot hold love out,And what love can do, that dares love attempt.Therefore thy kinsmen are no stop to me.
  • If they do see thee they will murder thee.
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