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Turnuri Care cad Personaje
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Описание на Статията

Elevii pot crea o hartă a personajelor pentru a ține evidența personajelor din Towers Falling de Jewell Parker Rhodes și a modului în care se schimbă de-a lungul poveștii.

Текст на Статията

  • Deja
  • Physical/Character TraitsSassyIndependentKindIntellegentCurious How does this character change over time?When Deja first starts at her new school, she has a hard time letting people in. She learns about social units, friendship, and how important history is to her and all around her. What challenges does this character face?Deja's family is homeless and Deja has a great deal of responsibility for a 10 year old. She has more challenges than most kids her age.
  • Pop
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character change over time? What challenges does this character face?
  • Ma
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Ben
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Sabeen
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
  • Miss Garcia
  • Physical/Character Traits: How does this character interact with the main character? What challenges does this character face?
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