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Early Battles

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Early Battles
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Текст на Статията

  • battle of long island
  • battle of Saratoga
  • battle of Trenton
  • Washington was forced to retreat from the British, the British won the battle, we ended up losing 20% of our men, it was the biggest loss Washington ever had. it was the largest battle in the American revolution. the British took New York,
  • battle of Branndywine
  • this battle was a major turning point in the war, this was a huge win for the patriots. it persuaded some country's to help the patriot's win the war.
  • battle of Princeton
  • George Washington crossed the Delaware river on charismas day surprised the hessian troops. this was a big morale boost for Washington and his troops.
  • Summary
  • the British won, they where trying to protect Philadelphia because it was the capitol, they ended up losing about 1,000 men, while the British only lost 93 men. the British now have the capitol ending our winning streak
  • 10 days after the battle in Trenton, America won again, they crossed the Delaware in pursuit and made a good flank caught the British off guard and made the British surrender
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