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The 3 Little Kittens(Greek version)

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The 3 Little Kittens(Greek version)
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Описание на Статията

This story was originally created by Paul Galdone, a children´s book author. it is a story about three little kittens who all lost, found, soiled, and washed their mittens so that their mom can give them pie.

Текст на Статията

  • Oh dear mother. Your fluffy kin hath sadly lost the precious mittens thou gave us!
  • What?
  • Thou lost thou's mittens? Thou naughty kittens! There shan't be any pie for thou.
  • Yes mother...
  • Dear mother, hear us hear us! For we have found our mittens! Meow meow meow!
  • My oh my! Thou good little kittens of mine. Thou shall have some pie.
  • Dear Mother, hear our plea! Forgive us, for we have soiled our mittens!
  • What? Thou soiled thou's mittens?! Thou art indeed naughty kittens!
  • Dear mother, thou's kin once again bring good news! We hath washed our mittens!
  • My my, proud of my dear kin am I!
  • But close thou's muzzles, for I smell a nasty rat nearby.
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