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Rosa Parks

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Rosa Parks
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Текст на Статията

  • Hello. I'm Rosa Parks. I would like to take a second and tell you about my story.
  • segregation was a huge issue when I was younger. One day, I was waiting for the bus but little did I know, this bus ride would change it all.
  • So, as I walked onto that bus, I had a plan, an idea, a dream. And with me being me, that dream was going to come true no matter what.
  • they told me to move but, I never budged. it was scary but I knew what I was doing was the right thing.
  • It escalated but I HAD to keep trying. I stayed sat down in my seat that I deserved.
  • And look at how it worked. I am happy to been able to inspire many people and be brave on that bus ride. I have made many accomplishments in my life time and I would like to thank you.
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