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Decision making.

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Decision making.
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Текст на Статията

  • Define the problem.
  • Should I steal candy or not?
  • You should steal some candy.
  • Examine your options.
  • I could steal candy or I could pay for it like I should.
  • Consider the outcome.
  • If I steal candy I could get in real trouble, but, Bob will think I am cool.
  • If I don't steal candy, I won't get in trouble, but, Bob might not think I'm cool.
  • And I didn't grow this moustache for nothing.
  • Identify your values.
  • I value honesty and trustworthiness so I should pay for it.
  • But I also value belonging, and if I steal the candy I will get to hang out with Bob.
  • Examine your options.
  • Here is the money for the candy.
  • I've decided I should pay for the candy instead of stealing it.
  • Thanks.
  • Evaluate the decision.
  • I made the right decision because, if I stole the candy I would be going against some of my values and I could get in serious trouble.
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