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Story of Macbeth

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Story of Macbeth
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  • that which hath made them drunk that made me bold:
  • Macbeth is holding a dagger that still has blood from the last kings death
  • "one cried 'bod bless us!' and amen' the other: as they had seen me with these hangman's hands. listening their fear, I could not say ' amen' when they did say 'God bless us!'
  • "To know my deed; twere best not know myself. Wake Duncan with thy knocking! i would thou couldst!"
  • "Awake awake! ring the alrum-bell. Murder and the treason! Banquo and donalbain! Malcom! Awake! shake of this downy sleep, death's counterfiet. And look on death itself! up,up,up and see the great dooms's image! Malcom! Banquo! As from your graves rise up, and walk like sprites, to countenance this horror! RING THE BELL
  • "Wake Duncan with thy knocking! I would thou couldst!
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