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Postavy Wringer

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Postavy Wringer
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Wringer od Jerryho Spinelliho Shrnutí a Aktivity

Wringer od Jerryho Spinelliho

Plány Lekcí od Liane Hicks

Palmer LaRue se děsí dne, kdy dovrší 10 let. V jeho městě dostanou desetileté děti práci „ždímače“ na každoročním městském rodinném festivalu Pigeon Day, kde je 5 000 holubů. vypuštěn z beden a sestřelen v soutěži o cenu ostrostřelce. Příběh sleduje Palmerovu cestu ze života poháněného strachem a touhou být přijat do života, kde získá sebedůvěru postavit se za to, čemu věří.


Storyboard Popis

Studenti mohou ve hře Wringer od Jerryho Spinelliho používat mapu postav ke sledování charakterových vlastností, výzev, růstu a dalších věcí!

Storyboard Text

  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
  • Physical / Personality Traits How does this character interact with others in the book? What challenges does this character face?
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